Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Missing objects report

I keep on finding toys and objects in the little guy's knapsack that don't belong to him i.e. little toy cars. The other day I found a flashing bike light (which have since been returned to J&K - sorry guys!).

Things disappear at home too, usually to be uncovered later in the strangest places (inside drawers and cooking pots, for example). The worst is when he takes money out our wallets. To him money is something fun to play with. Often, right before I catch him with a fist full of 20s he'll come up to me and say, "Mom can I have $13?" I'm sure I'll be hearing that a lot in a few years!

I'm hoping that this isn't the start of a "stealing" phase. So far (knock on wood) he hasn't taken any unpurchased merchandise from the mall or the grocery store. I know some other moms who haven't been so lucky.

Although I've tried to explain to him that he can't just take other people's things, he's still too young to recognize that stealing is bad. When I ask him why he's taken something he responds matter of factly, "Because I wanted it." To which I reply, "How would you feel if someone took one of your toys?" I try to get him to put himself into the other person's shoes but right now the only shoes he recognizes are his own!

Another example of the joys of parenthood!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

funny. one of my girls did the very same thing. at least two days of the week she'd come home with two socks on each foot. she would have take them off one of the other kids and quickly slipped them onto her. it took forever for the sitter to figure it out. she just thought that the child was taking their socks off and hiding them in some good hiding spot. my daughter hid my curling iron in between the mattress and box spring of my bed! kids are so funny. i think you're little guy will be a rich man someday .... he's good with the wallets.