Sunday, March 25, 2007

His first sass!

A new milestone - his first sassy comeback. Yesterday, he was playing with the lamp on the bedside table, which he knows is a big "no-no". I said his name in a disapproving tone of voice. Mimicking my tone back to me, he said "wha-a-at??"


In other firsts....he helped Daddy BBQ the other night for the first time. Dad held him up and let him help operate one of those really long BBQ flippers to turn the pork chops. Don't worry - he was nowhere near the hot grill....It was a mind-blowing experience -- the moment he had been waiting for. For a 16-month old, it really doesn't get much better than that! Waiting for the meat to cook on the other side was agonizing. He kept banging on the sliding glass door, pointing at the BBQ, and yelling "That! That! That!".

The next day at daycare, he carried a pink, plastic toy spatula with him all day. He even napped with it. In fact, the spatula had to come home with us this weekend because he flat out refused to part with it. He has it on standby in case any Barbecuing opportunities present themselves.

What a goof!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Better late than never

I've been meaning to post these pictures since January -- they were taken during Amma's visit.

Back in the collander toting days...

Getting ready for a hike on a warm winter's day.

All snuggled in for a backpack ride.

Hangin' out with Amma.

Shake, shake, shake!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Hubby brought home one of those big, huge jugs of bottled water yesterday (the office water cooler type). He set it down in the front hall. Baby boy ran over to it, looking as though he had just hit the jackpot. He looked up at my hubby and said "juice?"


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A funny anecdote

The other day, baby boy threw a rubber ball across the room and it rolled under one of our living room chairs. It was hopelessly out of reach so daddy came to the rescue. While digging under the chair, daddy also found a missing puzzle piece, a block, and a few other odds and ends.

Later on that day, the little guy was racing around with no pants on. I jokingly asked him, "Where are your pants?" He thought about it for a second and then ran over and looked under the living room chair.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

My sleeping in days are over

Daylight Savings time. Just what I need - one more hour of lost sleep!

When baby boy was really little he used to sometimes sleep in until 9:30 or 10:00. This kind of made up for all of the all-hours-of-the-night feedings. But, alas, Sir Lounge-a-Lot has grown up quite a bit an now fancies himself a morning person. Normally I am too but, on weekends, I like to take my time getting up.

So this morning, little guy starts itching to get up at 5:40 (technically 6:40 because of the time change, but 5:40 according to my internal clock). I tried nursing him to see if I could coax him back to sleep. Didn't work. He starts tossing and turning, kicking me in the back, climbing on top of me, and yelling "uice, uice" (translation: juice). So I get up and get him some juice and let him drink it in bed. Afterwards, I change his diaper thinking that he might relax and go back to sleep if he's nice and dry. Wrong!

He starts climbing around like a monkey. Walks into the bathroom and threatens to splash in the toilet. Starts rattling the lamp cord. Grabs my glasses off the nightstand.

So I turn on the television, thinking the novelty of getting to watch cartoons will inspire him to snuggle back into bed. Worked for less than five minutes. Then he pooed. Again with the diaper changing routine. By this time, I'm wide awake. I give up and we go downstairs for breakfast.

What I would give to be able to sleep until 9:00....

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Big mountain adventure

The trip to Whistler was a big adventure for the little guy (athough he slept through the whole flat tire incident...). Among other things he....

Played in the snow.

Went on a gondola ride! We decided to take him up to the top of the mountain because he was so fascinated with the gondolas passing by overhead. The whole gondola experience had such an impact, he learned how to say "gondola" although it comes out sounding like "gonyaya."

Climbed on a very cool play structure.

Rifled through a whole new set of kitchen cupboards.

And, did some good hanging out and relaxing back at the condo we were renting.

In addition to his adventures, baby boy also acquired a taste for lemon wedges, and hot peppers (which he stole from our platters). A short time after eating the hot pepper he farted and yelped "hot!"

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Smallville vs Hockey

Why do hockey games overtake Smallville on the tube virtually every Thursday night? It's the only show I make a point of watching. No offence hockey fans - but Smallville is way more intersting! And that Tom Welling guy who plays Clark Kent is pretty easy to look at, if you know what I mean....Way easier to look at than a bunch of sweaty, crooked-nosed hockey players.

The television ads say Smallville will be on tonight. If I find out that it's been cancelled by another stupid hockey game, the network is going to hear about it!!!!

I never thought I'd use my blog to rant about a television program. But everyone else does, so what the heck!