Thursday, July 17, 2008

Oooo lollipop

I can't believe I forgot to post this story! When we were in Toronto visiting family a couple of weekends ago, the little guy watched his 3 year old cousin eating a purple lollipop. Having never had a lollipop before, he wasn't sure what to make of it. He had no idea what it was. All he knew was that if his cousin was eating one, he wanted to eat one too. He turned to me and said, "Mom, I want a grape on a straw." :-)

Monday, July 14, 2008

What a cutie

The little guy sat here and watched a donkey in the field for a good 45 minutes straight. Every time I tried to convince him to leave to look at other farm animals he said, "No! I want to stay with the donkey!"

Just doing a little driving....

and a little more driving.....

and some more driving....Did I mention I like to drive?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My smarty pants

Last week my caregiver took the kids to the park to see the ducks, geese and turtles. While there baby boy noticed some pigeons hanging around. He asked CC if pigeons ever go swimming in the water, which she thought was a very good question. Just as she was explaining that pigeons were more of a land bird, a pigeon swooped down into the river and started splashing around as if to prove her wrong.


Baby boy asked me one day if his friend M had a daddy, to which I replied, "No, he has two mommies. Most kids have a mommy and a daddy, but some kids have two mommies and some kids have two daddies." After I explained this two him he ran off and played. I wasn't sure if he had actually paid attention to what I said or not until the other day when he blurted out, "M has two mommies. One brown one and one white one."


Baby boy knows how to tease me. If he wants to get me going he says, "Mom's a boy" so that I'll correct him. And then he keeps repeating it because he thinks he's so funny. The other day he came up to me and said, "Hi Daddy." I replied, "I'm mommy silly." He looked at me with a sly little smile and said, "No you're not -- you're daddy!"


The little guy watched intently as daddy marinated some lamb chops the other night. Hubby explained all of the ingredients he was mixing in. When he got to the wine vinegar, baby boy said, "No daddy, I want you to pour the wine in a glass for me."


Today, hubby took the little guy to the toy store and got him some new animal figurines. He's going through a real marine animal stage right now, so they added a hammerhead shark to his collection. And, they bought a horse and a cow. As they were browsing through the cow section, hubby picked up one that he thought would be a sure winner. "Look at this nice cow," he said. Baby boy shook his head and said, "No daddy. That's a bull, not a cow. I want a cow." And guess what? He was right!

Friday, July 11, 2008

I live with Destructo

Why is it that I decided to cancel our house cleaner? Bad move. Very bad move.

When baby boy is bored and wants our attention he dumps, throws, pours, and smears things all of the place. I feel like I have to follow him around with a washcloth, mop and bucket. Just one of these days I'd like to come home from work and say, "Ah, look at my clean, clean house." We can all dream, can't we?

I haven't entertained in months because, frankly, I'm too embarrassed by the state of the house.

One of the kids that baby boy hangs out with at the park has a nanny who cooks and cleans! If Nannies weren't so darn expensive I'd look into hiring one to look after Destructo...err....I mean baby boy. A Marry Poppins type, who would fly off with her umbrella each night and return promptly the next morning.

Speaking of childcare, our caregiver has pneumonia, the poor thing! Although it sucks worse for her, it's also bad for us because we don't have a backup sitter (with the exception of a close friend who already has her hands full with 2 kids!). I've thought about registering with a nearby childcare centre that offers emergency services in situations like this. But when it comes down to it, I'm really uncomfortable dropping him off at an unfamiliar daycare. I think it would 1) terrify him and 2) lead to issues of mistrust. I think a better approach would be for me to find a university student who lives in our neighbourhood who is looking for the ocassional babysitting job. Baby boy really likes young ladies, and would probably be thrilled to entertain a student for a day! Plus he'd be on his own turf which would make things a lot easier. Especially if I had the sitter come over occasionally for a couple of hours.

But that brings up the whole issue of our grungy, disgusting house again! Would a sitter be totally grossed out by the state of our home? Possibly, unless of course they have roommates, in which case our place would seem like a sanctuary :-)

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

From the mouth of the babe

We've never given the little guy candy before (other than the odd chocolate chip). When he saw his cousin sucking on a purple lollipop he said, "I want a grape on a straw!"


Last night we had a picnic at the beach to escape the heatwave. There was a little boy swimming around wearing a florescent yellow pair of snorkeling goggles. He was so jealous! For the next hour or two straight he kept repeating, "I want green googles. I want I own!"


We took a ferry across to Toronto Island on the weekend. When the little guy heard we were going on a boat he announced that he was going to paddle the boat and catch a fish :-)

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

We had an awesome weekend/Canada Day.

On the weekend we went on a little out of town adventure with SB, which included a nice wilderness walk and some rock throwing into a lake. Baby boy talked her ear off the whole way home. He rattled on about the barns and the horses and pretty much everything else he saw out the window.

On Monday night we went to a Shawarma party at KM and KSH's house. Mmmmmm.....shawarma....After not eating shawarma because he filled up on chips, the little guy took a dip in the hot tub with a number of sexy young ladies. He was one happy dude until we announced it was time to go. All the way home he wailed, "I want to swim in the hot tub! I want to sleep at K's house!" Poor guy.

But we made it up to him on Tuesday with a huge long Canada Day bike ride. We rode more than 30 km, following the most beautiful trail ever along the river. I can't believe we hadn't discovered this trail years ago! We stopped at a marina to watch the RCMP lower their boats into the water. They were going out in full force to patrol the water for drunken Canada Day boaters. After our long ride, we had a late lunch in the market and watched all of the crazy people dressed up in their Canada Day outfits. Then it was off to the water park to cool down. When we finally made it home, we blew up the kiddie pool and had a good splash in the backyard. All in all, it was a great day for all of us. And....after baby boy went to bed, hubby and I got to watch the fireworks from our rooftop deck. The view was spectacular!

The only thing that really sucked was not getting to sleep in the next morning...Oh well, back to the grind I guess!