Thursday, December 17, 2009

Photo sharing time

The little guy turned four a few weeks ago. We took him to kid paradise for his party. As you can see, the event was a big hit!

Better late than never! Here are a couple of pics from last spring. He's changed so much since these photos were taken!

Better late than never! Here are a couple of pics from last spring. A couple of ducks just flew down into our friend's yard to hang out. So we pulled out some bird seed and fed them a snack.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Boys will be boys

What do you get when you mix two 4-year olds and a 2-year old? A whole lot of mischief!

While the adults were all socializing on the main floor last weekend, the three little rugrats went upstairs to our newly renovated play room. Not five minutes later, the little guy yelled down the stairs, "Mom, we fed the fish."

Poor Goldie. The entire surface of his fish bowl was covered in fish food (normally he gets 4 pellets of carefully measured out fish food per day). While I was scooping the extra food out of the bowl with a net, the boys played quietly behind me. Too quietly.

When I turned around I discovered them tearing apart the little guy's special Playmobile advent calendar. The advent calendar that I had spent over an hour putting together (and wasn't nearly finished)! This calendar had 25 individual boxes that I had taken great pains to fold together. Into each box I had carefully sorted and matched miniature sized toys. Just as I was getting ready to assemble the calendar with the boxes, Hubby asked me to run to the store to pick up a missing dinner ingredient. I put the calendar pieces on top of the dresser (but obviously not out of reach) and promised the little guy that I would put the finishing pieces on his surprise together after the dinner party.

So much for the advent calendar. Better luck next year I guess!