Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The poop debate

So the little guy stepped in a big pile of dog poop yesterday. And hubby and I fought all night about who was going to clean off his rubber boots. We even contemplated throwing them out and buying a new pair (yah, it was that nasty!).

Our conversation fight went something like this:

Hubby: I think you should clean the poop off his boots.

Me: Oh, really? And why do you think that?

Hubby: Because you are "pro" dog. You think dogs are so great and so cute. You don't care that they crap all over because dogs are so great and all. And I don't really like dogs all that much. They are kind of nasty and disgusting.

Me: So you think I should clean off his boots because I like dogs and you don't?

Hubby: Yes. Yes I do.

Me: You should also know that I am "pro" people picking up after their dogs. I am not "pro" letting dogs crap wherever they like.

I think you should clean off the boots.

Hubby: So what is your argument. I think my argument is pretty strong.

Me: Well, let's see. I made your breakfast, lunch and dinner today. I also did the grocery shopping. Plus I get the little guy up, dressed and out the door every single morning which, as you know, is not the easiest of tasks these days. And....(I went on for 5 minutes rattling off my list). So, you should clean the poop.

Or, I'll clean them in your shower :-0

Hubby: Okay, fine. Let's just buy new boots.

Me: Fine. New boots it is.

This morning it was damp outside so he had to wear boots. Hubby was in the shower and time was ticking so I ended up cleaning the boots. I soaked them in a bucket of hot water in the yard. Life is so unfair.

I should have tossed them in the shower with hubby....

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Bowled over

Today, the little guy went bowling for the very first time. All that the he knew about bowling was what he'd seen on television. The rest he made up.

"Mom," he said. "Where can we buy some canons?"

"Why do you need canons?"

"I need them to bowl with," he explained.

"They aren't canons, sweetheart," I replied. "They're called bowling balls. But they do kind of look like canons."


As we were on our way out the door, he said "Mom, did you remember to pack our bowling balls?"

"No honey, we don't need to bring bowling balls."

"But how are we going to bowl without bowling balls?"
