Tuesday, March 03, 2009

For once

For once I'd like...

- to get to work and not find some sort of snot smear on my clothes.

- to have a private moment to myself in the bathroom. When I ask for privacy the little guy disappears for 5 seconds and then returns with an imaginary object in his hand. He says, "Here you go mom. I got you some privacy."

- to look under the dining room table and not find any crumbs.

- for people to stop asking me when I'm going to have another baby. Leave me alone already!

- to have a bath without the company of sharks and dolphins.

- to win the lottery.

- a jacket that doesn't spring holes in the pockets.

- to eat my breakfast in peace. Every day after eating a breakfast big enough for an elephant the little guy says, "Bite? Bite?" in the moochiest of voices.

- a one minute pick-up from daycare instead of what feels like an endless string of lollygagging tactics.

- a three day a week job that pays the same or more than my current full-time job.

- to make it out the door without forgetting something.

- a self-cleaning house.

- to be able to eat anything I want but not gain any weight.

- to write all of the stories I have in my head into a collection of best-selling novels.

- for someone else make my lunch (hint hint).

- a pair of pants that I don't need to hem.

- the little guy to say,"I'm not going to go in my diaper any more!"

- a little bit of "me" time with no strings attached.

- to feel a little more like the energizer bunny.

Now it's your turn. What would you like?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for once i'd like to be able to get in and out of my car without having road salt all over my coat!

snot smear on clothes is never a good thing and i am assuming its from a little person? lol

my kids are 11 and i still have crumbs under the table. heres a solution - get a dog but then again that brings a whole new set of issues

i know what you mean about the day care pick up. this used to drive me crazy. then i got a cell phone and started calling the teacher to ask that the girls 'be ready' when i got there. cheeky eh!

good post!