Monday, March 09, 2009

Daylight savings is cruel

I don't know about you but I'm exhausted. Even though I tried to go to sleep early last night, my body wouldn't let me. So I ending up losing an hour of sleep. And apparently so did some of my clients.... Mondays are usually pretty bad, but people were just downright cranky today. One of my clients had a huge (and I mean HUGE) hissy fit. This guy just loves to hate people like me who work in communications.

The little guy has also had a bit of a rough time adapting to the time change. In fact, I can hear him right now chattering to himself and kicking his legs against the wall. He's already called my up to the bedroom twice, both times to say, "Mom, can you come and sleep?" I'd love to, only that I know from past experience that he'll get all riled the second my head hits the pillow. He'll jump on me, climb on my head, tug at my hair, tell me he's hungry, thirsty and that he's not sleepy, beg me to let him watch movies, throw things, ask a million and one questions etc.... In short, If I go up there neither of us will get any sleep.

So, I think I'll just doze on the couch for a little while. Who knew that one little hour could make such a difference.

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