Monday, March 23, 2009

Full of surprises

It doesn't matter where I hide the wrapping paper. Or the tape. Or the scissors. He always seems to be able to find them.

Lately, pretty much every morning while daddy is in the shower, I hear a loud crinkle, crinkle noise as he comes into the room dragging a big roll of wrapping paper. He usually has some scissors or tape in tow too. "Mom, can you help me make a surprise for daddy?"

His surprises involve wrapping up a couple of miscellaneous toys and then presenting them to daddy right as he's walking out of the shower.

It's actually kind of fun (although I'm burning through a lot of wrapping paper!). I help him cut a square of wrapping paper, and then the two of us work together to fold the paper and tape it together. This morning daddy got a motorcycle and a space shuttle. Yesterday he got a car and a great white shark.

I just have one question: where are my surprises?

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