Monday, October 22, 2007

A new understanding

Hubby travels a lot for work. This weekend we dropped him off at the train station. Baby boy watched him unload his luggage from the car and accepted a good-bye hug and kiss. As we were pulling away from the station he said "See daddy?"

I explained to him that daddy had to take the train. He had to go on a trip for work. And, for the first time, I think he really understood what I was telling him. Although baby boy always talks about daddy when he's away, I don't think he's ever given any deep thought to where he's gone.

Now, we have long conversations on the subject that go something like this:

"See daddy later?"
"Daddy is on a trip. He'll be back in a couple of days."
"Daddy take the train?"
"That's right, daddy took the train. He had to go on a trip for work."
"Daddy on trip. He be home soon."
"Yes, daddy will be home in a couple of days."

He likes to repeat the conversation over and over again just to make sure he has all the facts straight.

Lately, he's also taken to asking questions. His two favourites are: what time is it? and what happened? He asks me those questions a thousand times a day. When he asks the time, I now have crafty answers such as "it's time to clean up your toys" or "it's time to start running because mommy is going to get you!"

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