Saturday, June 16, 2007

18-month check up

I took the little guy for his 18-month check-up this week. He now weighs 22.5lbs and is 87cm long. Very tall and very skinny. He conveniently came down with a low grade fever that day and got to skip his vaccinations. Lucky guy! To him a trip to the doctor is like a trip to the toy store -- so many cool things to look at. I'm

The doctor asked me if he could say at least 5 words, to which I laughed and said "more like 200!". Although he's shy about speaking in public, he never stops babbling at home. He repeats pretty much everything we say now. We have to be extra careful now not to use any bad words....Of course I never use any of those! :-)

I was also told it was time to start potty training. That could be a disaster...a very messy one at that. I can't trust him to run around the house diaperless for five minutes without having him go off like a fire hose. Although I must admit, he is very interested in the toilet, and LOVES talking about pooh-pooh. Maybe he'll be a pro (although somehow I doubt it...). We're going to buy him a little potty this weekend and try it out. If he's not ready, we can try again when he's older.

We're also going to buy him a big boy bed (an organic one for reasons discussed in an earlier blog entry). His legs are getting too long for his little crib. Wish us luck with the transition!

Prognosis: fit as a fiddle. Wylie as a coyote.

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