Friday, February 09, 2007

My son, the flirt

I know that it is true of most babies, by I honestly think my son is the biggest flirt of them all. Here are just a few examples:

- At a restaurant a few weeks ago, he started winging his toys over the back of the bench to get the attention of the pretty young ladies at the next table. The girls thought it was so cute and funny that it soon turned in to a game of catch.

- Any time we go shopping, he seeks out flirting opportunities. When he sees a pretty female approaching the eyelashes start fluttering, he puts on his lady-killer smile, and starts cooing, laughing, etc...It takes me twice as long as normal to grocery shop with all of the "flirt" stops we have to make.

- We often let him run loose in restaurants just before we leave, to burn off some of his excess energy. Without fail, he finds the table where the prettiest young lady is sitting and introduces himself with a big, dimply grin. I hope this isn't any indication of how he's going to behave as a teen ager...

- We had a meeting at the bank the other night, inside an office with a glass door. The little guy caught sight of a cute little 3 year-old on the other side of the door, and started banging on the glass, waving, and smiling to get her attention. She took notice and started smiling and waving back. The flirting soon turned into a game of peek-a-boo (just as he was hoping!). If she wasn't two years older than him, I would have said it was a match made in heaven!

My mother says he comes by it honestly. My dad is also a big flirt. He still drives the ladies crazy even though he's now in his 60s!!!

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