Friday, September 25, 2009

I know I said I wouldn't talk about toilet training anymore but...

The little guy won't pee at school or at nursery school! This means he's holding it for roughly 5 hours every morning. No big surprise that he's been wetting his pants pretty much every day when his caregiver comes to pick him up.

I've asked his teachers to encourage him to use the toilet. But it's like the saying that you can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to drink (or in this case, pee).

We've promised him a Franklin DVD if he starts doing pees at school. He really wants a Franklin DVD. Really, really wants one. But like everything we've gone through with toilet training, promises of gifts don't work. Nothing will work until he makes up his own mind.

Picture day is next week. I'll remind you that it took at least six tries to get him to sit for a passport photo. Oh, and did I mention that he refused to have his nursery school picture taken last year? I've already started strategizing with his teacher on ways to encourage him to cooperate....I'll let you know how it goes.

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