Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

A little late...but better late than never right?

It's hard to know where to begin paying tribute to hubby. He is the best dad in the world to our son and has been since the very moment that the doctor lifted him from my womb. I was on the operating table with a curtain shielding my view of the operation. The only thing I was able to see were hubby's eyes as he watched the surgery. It was by looking into his eyes that I knew our son has been born. His eyes suddenly became very wide as he witnessed the most incredible miracle he'd ever seen. But as I watched his eyes I saw more than that -- I saw him experience love at first sight.

We got separated for an hour (which felt like an eternity) while I got stitched up after the c-section. It was the loneliest hour of my life. Thankfully baby boy was safe and sound in his daddy's arms. They snuggled skin to skin and got to know each other while I lay on the operating table yearning to hold our baby. What they shared in that first hour was truly magical. It was the start of a close bond that has continued to grow stronger and stronger each day.

Our son lived in a sling for the first three months of his life (when he wasn't nursing, that is). He demanded to be carried around constantly. Hubby would wear him for hours, inside the house and out. He often comments about how he misses those early days when he was a little "pouch-a-rino".

Obviously a lot has happened in the last three or so years. And in that time, the nature of their relationship has changed. They are now the best of friends. I've never seen two people have so much fun together! They are constantly playing, reading, building, cooking, surfing the web, crafting etc...together. Either that, or they are off on wild father-son adventures. Whenever he can, hubby takes days off work so they can do cool stuff together. They go to museums, explore the wilderness, stop at toy stores, eat sushi....Hubby is all about making sure that the little guy has the most enriching life possible.

I loved hubby with all of my heart before our son came along. Now he's given me reason to love him even more.

Happy Father's Day sweetheart!

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