Monday, May 04, 2009

First night of soccer

There were 15 kids at soccer tonight. Most knew enough to chase and kick the ball in the general direction of the net. And then there was my son, forever beating to his own drum. If the coach said run, he would stand still. If the coach said kick the ball, he would pick it up and carry it.

He was the one who excitedly called one of the coaches over to show him a rock he found in the grass. The one who abandoned a fully charged game of What Time is it Mr. Wolf in favour of kicking up dust clouds along the chalk line. The one who switched teams intermittently and shot at the wrong net.

At one point he decided to just run off the field to come see us. The coaches called after him, "Where are you going? You're supposed to sit with the team." He casually replied, "I'm going to have a nap now."

He may have completely missed the point of soccer, but he sure had fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's adorable!!
My younger daughter was like that, and now she's an amazing athlete. You just never know, but I'm glad to hear you let him do his own thing.

At my son's soccer, parents are always yelling - no, screaming! - at their kids to leave them alone and get out there and do this or do that. NO FUN!