Sunday, October 05, 2008

I am a repository for gross stuff

In the last couple of weeks, baby boy has had a non-stop runny nose. And each time that he sloppily blows his nose, I somehow end up being the recipient of his moist kleenex. The same goes for half eaten food hunks and slimy banana peels. Sometimes he places his cast-offs directly into my hands. Sometimes they are thrown into my lap, as though being tossed into a waste bin. I'm constantly trying to redirect him to the garbage can.

I'm also a human rag sometimes. Apparently baby boy thinks I enjoy it when he smears sticky peanut butter hands all over my jeans. Or when he wipes snot all over my sleeve just as I'm about to leave for the office. Or when he takes his greasy fingers to the lenses of my glasses.

Some days I feel like I have a sign on my face that says, "Gross stuff goes here."

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