Sunday, September 07, 2008

Day 1: A big success

Well I don't know what I was so worried about. Day 1 at nursery school went incredibly smoothly. After about half an hour of hanging out with him in the classroom, and getting to know the teachers I said, "Mommy is going to go now. I'll come pick you up later." He replied, "Bye Mom," without even looking up from the game he was playing.

When I picked him up, the kids were all outside on the playground. Baby boy was so busy digging in the the sand with one of his new friends that he didn't even notice me. I took to be a very good sign.

One of his teachers reported that he got upset a few times after I left and went looking for me at the door. They were able to cheer him up and distract him easily with fun activities. Once his initial nervousness subsided, he had a really good time.

When I asked him how his morning went he said "Good." He went on and on about all of the toys he played with and the crafts that he did. Later on he confessed, "I cried at school." We talked about how lots of kids feel a bit nervous and upset on the first day of school. I also told him that I was very proud of him for being so brave.

His next day of nursery school is on Wednesday. Hopefully now that he knows the routine he'll start to feel right at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's so smart! We really enjoyed seeing you three today. We have to get the boys together again soon for a playdate.