Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic fever continues

If baby boy could get a face to face meeting with the International Olympic Committee he'd probably make the following suggestions to rename events:

1. Boxing would be called "peefing."

The other day he asked me if I wanted to "peef" with him (translation: box with him). He put his rubber boots on his hands and said, "Look, I have peefs!" Later he brought me a pair of runners and said, "Here you go mommy. You put on your peefs on your arms."

With peefs on, we had a little boxing urrrr...peefing match. Truth be told it was actually more like playing pat-a-cake.


2. Diving would no longer be called diving. It would be called "the jumping in the water" event. And diving boards would be called the "blue blocks that the girls jump on."

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