Saturday, July 12, 2008

My smarty pants

Last week my caregiver took the kids to the park to see the ducks, geese and turtles. While there baby boy noticed some pigeons hanging around. He asked CC if pigeons ever go swimming in the water, which she thought was a very good question. Just as she was explaining that pigeons were more of a land bird, a pigeon swooped down into the river and started splashing around as if to prove her wrong.


Baby boy asked me one day if his friend M had a daddy, to which I replied, "No, he has two mommies. Most kids have a mommy and a daddy, but some kids have two mommies and some kids have two daddies." After I explained this two him he ran off and played. I wasn't sure if he had actually paid attention to what I said or not until the other day when he blurted out, "M has two mommies. One brown one and one white one."


Baby boy knows how to tease me. If he wants to get me going he says, "Mom's a boy" so that I'll correct him. And then he keeps repeating it because he thinks he's so funny. The other day he came up to me and said, "Hi Daddy." I replied, "I'm mommy silly." He looked at me with a sly little smile and said, "No you're not -- you're daddy!"


The little guy watched intently as daddy marinated some lamb chops the other night. Hubby explained all of the ingredients he was mixing in. When he got to the wine vinegar, baby boy said, "No daddy, I want you to pour the wine in a glass for me."


Today, hubby took the little guy to the toy store and got him some new animal figurines. He's going through a real marine animal stage right now, so they added a hammerhead shark to his collection. And, they bought a horse and a cow. As they were browsing through the cow section, hubby picked up one that he thought would be a sure winner. "Look at this nice cow," he said. Baby boy shook his head and said, "No daddy. That's a bull, not a cow. I want a cow." And guess what? He was right!

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