Thursday, April 03, 2008

A few chuckles

At 2:15 am baby boy started calling to me.

"Mom? Mom?"

"What is it baby?"

"I want sunglasses, Mom."

"It's sleeping time right now. We can get the sunglasses in the morning."

Silence. Right as I start drifting back to sleep.


"Mom's sleeping sweetheart. What is it?"

"I need sunglasses."


I must use my index finger a lot when I'm talking to the little guy because any time he wants to make a point, he points that finger right near my face.

One morning he held up his index finger and said to me very seriously, "Monday morning." I asked him what was happening on Monday morning. With his finger in the air he repeated, "Monday morning." Where the heck did that come from?

Another time, he waved his index finger at me and told me very matter of factly, "The horses are in the barn."

"Oh, okay" I replied.

Not knowing if I truly understood the importance of his words, he pointed his finger very closely to my eye and said, "Two horses."


When not in use, we have to keep the toaster oven unplugged. Baby boy's latest obsession is to shove crackers inside of it in a pretend game of making toast. Last night I was cooking some vegetables in the toaster oven. Knowing his magnetic attraction to the appliance, I warned him not to go near it because it was hot. As soon our backs were turned for two seconds, he quietly climbed up the kitchen stool and opened the toaster oven's door. My mommy alarm immediately went off. I ran over and discovered something new cooking. Two tea lights!


He had a sit down bath for the first time in over a year! Even though he's been keen on baths lately, he'll only take them standing up or, if he's really brave, sitting on his knees. Tonight he bravely sat down on his tush. And boy was he ever delighted with himself! "Mom, look! I'm sitting!" he cried. Of course I carried on and made a really big deal about it.

Next step: getting him to sit down on a potty.

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