Saturday, December 08, 2007

Here come the terrible 2s!

The terrible twos are officially here! Baby boy has figured out a couple of things about birthday.

1. Cake is soooo yummmy! (to quote)
2. Presents are good

He scored all sorts of loot this year, including a SAW just like KSH's (his eyes were as big as saucers when he opened it up), a guitar (for jamming with dad), a dump truck, and a toy sushi bento box. KM always teases me about having an "urban baby." When I told her about the sushi set she said, "Urban babies eat sushi." If you've ever seen the book "Urban Babies Wear Black" you'll understand why that's so funny :-)

KM and KSH hosted the big birthday brunch. Lots of good food, and good company!

On his actual birthday, we took him out for avocado rolls, noodle soup and a "bubble shake." Actually, it was a coconut shake, but he calls it a bubble shake because he once saw me drink bubble tea. He later described his bubble shake as "freezy and juicy" and sooooo yummy.

As you can see, he's off to a good year.


We have a pest problem. Little caterpillars. They must hatch out of one of our plants -- we have no clue where they are coming from. Every three or four weeks, I'll catch a few of them trekking across the house. Baby boy calls them "wooses," his word for worms.

I was getting breakfast ready last week and he came running into the kitchen yelling "look!!!!" He handed me something. I looked down and just about jumped out of my skin. It was a dead woose! He was so proud of himself. "I find a woose," he repeated over and over again.


I've created a monster. When I was a kid, I loved the movie/musical Annie. So I ordered the DVD, figuring it would be nice to have in our collection. Apparently my enthusiasm for Annie has rubbed off on the little guy.

He talks about Daddy Warbucks, Miss Hannigan and Sandy the dog all the time. He knows all of the songs by heart, and sings them with great enthusiasm. He requests to watch "Hard knock life song" 50 times a day. Or, he'll say, "I want to watch sad song." He's referring to the song Maybe, where the orphans daydream about their parents coming to pick them up at the orphanage. It really is a sad song.....

And, perhaps the most humourous side effect of his love of all things "Annie" -- the tap dancing. There is a scene in the movie where Annie and Miss Farrell are getting ready to go to the movies and they do a little tap dance. Baby boy does a great imitation. Just last week, when we were at his two year check up with the doctor, he did the dance across the examination room. It was especially funny because he was only wearing a diaper and a pair of slippers.


Now that the little guy has a guitar, he can jam with daddy.

They are so funny to watch! As daddy strums a tune on the guitar, they make up lyrics. The other day, I over heard baby boy singing a little refrain that went something like this:

"Scooby....Saw...Scooby and icicles fall."


Here are some of our favourite little guy quotes:

"It's sooooo yummy!"

"Look! It's shoaning!" (snowing)

"I want ninin toast" (raisin toast)

"whatcha do-ning?"

"I can check" (he likes to check for firetrucks on the way home from daycare. He also likes to check to see if daddy's home from work.)

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