Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How was your day?

Normally when I ask the little guy how his day was, I might get him to reply with a few intermittent words. Here is how the conversation usually goes:

Me: Did you have a good day?
Baby boy: Ava.
Me: Did you get to play with Ava today?
Baby boy: Yah!
Me: What else did you do?
Baby boy: Ball
Me: Did you throw a ball in the back yard?
Baby Boy: Bus
Me: Did you play with a toy bus?
Baby boy: Yah!

Now he's starting to use full sentences. Not all the time, but often. Here are a couple of examples:

Daddy: Do you get to ride horses at playgroup?
Baby boy: Mmmm...No. Slide on the slide. Sing some songs.

Me: Let's go wash your hands
Baby boy: Wash my hands with soap.

Me: Can you say goodbye to your friends?
Baby boy: Bye-bye everyone. See you soon.

Daddy: It's time to get in the car.
Baby boy: I'll drive home.

Language development is so cool to watch!

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