Friday, August 03, 2007

The things I don't want to forget

Summer has been such a busy time that I've barely spent any time writing on my blog. It's a shame, really, because I'm probably not recording all of the things I told myself I should never forget. A lot of the day to day things really do get forgotten. Even in the course of the day I'll find myself wondering, "what did the little guy say this morning that was so funny?" So here is a list of them, lest I forget.


The other day, baby boy had a brilliant idea! He wanted to bring the hose into the house to water the plants. Although he couldn't quite verbalize his idea, he got his message across by pointing from the plants to the patio door and then back to the plants again, saying "Plants! Hose! Watoo!"


When you give him a choice between two options, he ponders his response very carefully. With a look of deep concentration he give it a moment's thought and lets out a loud "ummmmmm...."

The conversation goes something like this:
Me: "Would you like cream cheese or jam on your toast?"
Baby boy: "Ummmm...."
Me: (holding up the jam in one hand and the cream cheese in the other)
Baby boy: "Ummmmm.....Cheese-cheese!"


Our glass railing has a prism effect in the late afternoon, creating the most wonderful rainbows across the hallway floor and wall. "M Baby" is fascinated with "ran-bows" and takes great joy in placing his feet and arms through the colourful rays. One of his t-shirts has a rainbow on it and he requests it every single day. Heaven help us if the shirt is in the dirty laundry pile!


He's slowly but surely getting the hang of his potty (although he hasn't actually produced a drop inside of it). Every morning he likes to go sit on the potty and read his Humane Society calendar, commenting on all of the pictures of cats that remind him of cats that he knows. Sometimes he gets off the potty and whizzes on the floor.

In the last couple of days, he's started demanding toilet paper, with which he attempts to wipe his own butt. He also insists that we remove all of his clothes before he sits down, even socks and his rainbow shirt!. "Off! Off! Off!" he yells, tugging at his clothing.


All insects - especially flying insects - are of great interest these days. We have a GIANT dead dragon fly in perfect condition on our patio table. The little guy refers to him affectionately as "fly fly." Today "fly fly" was missing to his chagrin and he called for an all-out investigation to find his whereabouts.

The removal of the bees and honeycomb graphics that used to hang on our wall above the dining room table still raise questions. They've been gone for months! Amazingly he still remembers where they used to hang, and points at the wall and says "bee?" For some strange reason he also likes to point at his nose and our noses and say "bee." Do our noses look like honeycombs? Is he reading a book at daycare about a bee that lands on someone's nose? I'd really like to know what he is trying to tell us. I guess this will just be one of life's great mysteries.

More to follow tomorrow....

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