Sunday, March 11, 2007

My sleeping in days are over

Daylight Savings time. Just what I need - one more hour of lost sleep!

When baby boy was really little he used to sometimes sleep in until 9:30 or 10:00. This kind of made up for all of the all-hours-of-the-night feedings. But, alas, Sir Lounge-a-Lot has grown up quite a bit an now fancies himself a morning person. Normally I am too but, on weekends, I like to take my time getting up.

So this morning, little guy starts itching to get up at 5:40 (technically 6:40 because of the time change, but 5:40 according to my internal clock). I tried nursing him to see if I could coax him back to sleep. Didn't work. He starts tossing and turning, kicking me in the back, climbing on top of me, and yelling "uice, uice" (translation: juice). So I get up and get him some juice and let him drink it in bed. Afterwards, I change his diaper thinking that he might relax and go back to sleep if he's nice and dry. Wrong!

He starts climbing around like a monkey. Walks into the bathroom and threatens to splash in the toilet. Starts rattling the lamp cord. Grabs my glasses off the nightstand.

So I turn on the television, thinking the novelty of getting to watch cartoons will inspire him to snuggle back into bed. Worked for less than five minutes. Then he pooed. Again with the diaper changing routine. By this time, I'm wide awake. I give up and we go downstairs for breakfast.

What I would give to be able to sleep until 9:00....

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