Sunday, July 16, 2006

Welcome to my blog!

Today is the first day of the rest of my blog. I've always wanted to join the blogosphere, but always thought it was too complicated. If I knew how simple it actually was, I would have started one months ago!

So, why start a blog?

1. I love to write. A blog is a perfect "outlet" for me to write whatever I want, whenever I want. This is why I've appropriately called my blog "all in one." It's your one stop shop for mindless babble, mind-numbing commentary on current events, creative literature, bitching etc...

2. To share news with family and friends. I'm hoping you'll check back often to read about my latest adventures (of the baby kind).

3. A writer needs discipline. Sadly, I have none. I need to write every day in order to keep both the pencil and mind sharp. My greatest downfall as a writer is that I start writing projects and never finish them. You should see my collection of unfinished stories! I'm full of ideas that go nowhere....sigh. The beautiful thing about a blog is that I can write as much or as little as I want, and I'll see the results of my work. Hitting the "publish post" button will give me instant gratification that I've accomplished something, even if it's a stupid story about the funny thing that happened today at Loblaws. Who cares! It's the act of producing and publishing something that is important.

4. I need an audience. An audience can provide the feedback I need to use as fodder for future posts. So, send me your commentary!

There you have it. The reason for my blog's being.

Thanks for dropping by. I hope you'll check back often!
The Jan-Jan

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