Wednesday, September 13, 2006

There's no turning back....

Of all days that my laptop had to die, it happened on my birthday. Happy birthday!!! Grrrrr.... Until I get a new one, I'm stuck sharing my hubby's computer. I know, I know. I shouldn't complain. After all, how many people own two computers? We can justify it because we don't have cable, and our television is older than I am. A friend once joked, "That's the same television my grandparents watched the first moon landing on." We may be behind in television technology, but we're leading edge with our computers.

I don't think we could last very long in a one computer household. We use our computers for everything! Teleworking, downloading pictures, emailing, surfing the web, blogging etc...

I should have never bought a laptop in the first place. They're expensive, and now that I've owned one I can never go back. After experiencing the freedom a laptop allows, I can't (and won't) consider buying a big, clunky, non-portable machine. As a writer I enjoy carting my laptop around from room to room, finding inspiration wherever I can -- in a nest of pillows, outside on the deck,in a ray of sunshine pouring through a window. Sometimes I sit next to the radio, letting the stories of the day influence my creative direction.

A laptop allows me to hide if I need privacy. I can take it to the park, to a coffee shop, or even into the bathroom. It's true that other computers would be cheaper, but can you really put a price tag on freedom?

My heart sank when my laptop drew it's last breath. And apparently, so will my bank account when it comes time to find its replacement.

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