Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Packing sucks

It's a three day process getting organized for a trip. My stuff is easy. It's packing for the little guy that is a challenge. There are so many things to remember, like his favourite teetee (blanket) and his car-shaped toothbrush. And of course you have to bring toys -- lots and lot of toys. And books. And diapers and wipes. I've been trying to calculate how many diapers he averages per day. I gave up and decided to pack lots of them. Heck, if there aren't enough, I'm pretty sure that they have drug stores in San Antonio :)

I'm packing lots and lots of clothes, knowing full well that we won't use them all. But with toddlers, there are always unexpected spills. And, in the case of my toddler, he's picky about what he wears. Really picky. So every morning we give him a choice between two or three different shirts and pants. Sometimes he ends up looking pretty goofy with mismatched shirts, pants and socks but we all have to pick our battles. I'm just happy when he decides to wear anything!

One thing I've learned from past experience is to pack lots and lots of snacks for the ride. Airplanes are boring, and eating is something to do to pass the time. Also, depending on where you are sitting on the plane, you have to wait forever to be served. And one thing my toddler isn't very good at is waiting. I think he gets that from me....So I'm going to put together a big sack of food.

After I'm finally done packing and checking off the million or so items on my to-do list, I'll definitely be ready for this vacation!

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