Saturday, February 09, 2008

Dirty Dancing live on stage!

When I pulled the full page ad out of the paper, I shrieked like a teen-aged girl at a rock concert. Dirty Dancing live on stage in Toronto! The ad suggested tickets were the perfect Valentine's Day gift, so I read the ad out loud to hubby (Ahhhhemmm, hint hint). He rolled his eyes. Like most guys, he would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the theatre to see that chick show.

He will never understand why Dirty Dancing is one of my favourite movies of all time. He can't understand because he isn't a woman.

I immediately called up ES who I saw Dirty Dancing with in the movie theatre more than 20 years ago (Yikes, has it really been that long???). Unfortunately I only got her answering machine. If you're reading this, call me! After the movie we imitated Baby practicing her dance moves on the steps of the movie theatre while we waited for her dad to come pick us up.

And who can forget the soundtrack? I never did get sick of it. Not even after listening to it 2 million times in a row!

I'm so psyched about this, I'm already planning my trip to Toronto in my head. Girl trip!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got your message and we diffinately should go to the show. I remember us dancing up and down the stairs at the convention center. I can't wait to see it. ES