Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Everything is bigger in Texas

Everything is bigger in Texas and I just proved it. We were in San Antonio for 5 days and I gained 2 lbs! It seemed like all there was to eat was greasy, meaty Tex-Mex and BBQ morning, noon and night. If I had been there much longer I probably would have died of Scurvy from lack of fruits and vegetables. No wonder San Antonio is considered one of the fattest cities in America!

Now that I'm back (a day later than planned because of bad weather in Chicago) I'm officially on a detox regime.

This morning I went for a fitness assessment and boy was that ever an eye opener. I've really let myself go since the little guy came into the picture. I'm definitely on the chubby side from what I should be, and a little out of shape. My personal trainer is developing a training plan for me that will whip me into shape in the next 6 weeks. He warned me that it wasn't going to be easy -- he's a bit of a drill Sargent. I say bring it on!!! It couldn't be worse than labour.

On the plus size, I found out that I grew more than an inch. I'm officially 5'1" tall. My aunt grew three inches when she was in her 30s (strange but true) so I never gave up hope of breaking the 5'0 mark. It's like a dream come true.

Once I've uploaded my pics I'll give you a play by play on the underwater wedding. It was nothing short of amazing!

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