Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Forget what I said yesterday

Today he was happy to see me, and eager to accept my hugs when I picked him up after work. No, it wasn't because it was Valentine's Day, but rather because he had had a bad fall and was feeling quite traumatized. The poor duck tripped and fell on his face, and bit his lip really hard. There was much blood, and much crying. Our caregiver called to let us know so that we were prepared for the sight of his fat lip. I'm glad she did because, let me tell you, it looked aweful! I had to fight to keep my composure.

Luckily, mouth injuries heal quickly. The swelling has already started to go down and it doesn't seem to be causing him any discomfort.

All this to say, I got a positive reception when I picked him up today. I just wish it had been under different circumstances!

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