Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's resolutions

Why make them. I will only break them.

Every year I say I'm going to lose weight, exercise more, and eat healthier. That lasts for about a week or two and then I fall back into my old bad habits. Have you ever gone to the gym at the beginning of January? It's full of people just like me. People who go out strong and then hit the wall. Have you ever gone to the gym at the beginning of February? Empty. Except for the die hards (don't you just hate them....).

Resolution don't work for me because there are no consequences for failing. I know that if I don't succeed this year, I can try again next year. There also aren't any fantastic payoffs for succeeding. Sure, I would look and feel better, and have an amazing sense of accomplishment yadda, yadda, yadda. But that, in itself, doesn't motivate me. I need to win a big prize -- like a puppy dog or a trip to France.

Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way....

Maybe I need to resolve to go to France and adopt a puppy. It makes perfect sense now! French people aren't fat, yet they consume a lot of cheese and wine. I could learn a thing or two about weight management from the French. And, getting a dog would force me to exercise more, because I'd have to take it for lots of walks. So....the side effects of these big ticket resolutions would be weight loss, a balanced diet rich in cheese and wine, and more exercise -- what great motivation! Plus I'd get to go to France and get a puppy!

Happy New Year everyone!

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