Friday, January 05, 2007

My interview with a 1-year old

Q: Would you like to go downstairs for breakfast?
A: Yes!

Q: Are you hungry for lunch?
A: Yes!

Q: Would you like some snack?
A: Yes! Nack!

Q: Is it time for dinner?
A: Yes!

Q: Are you all done?
A: awwww done! awww done! AWW DONE!!!!!

Q: Did you do a pee pee?
A: Dadadadada (pause) hsssss...
Q: Is that a yes or a no?
A: Hahaha!

Q: Is it time to get dressed?
A: ocks (translation: socks)

Q: Can we put on your mitts and hat?
A: Itts! Attt!

Q: Where are your teeth?
A: (points to his teeth)

Q: Is it time for your bath?
A: Ba ba ba ba ba!

Q: Do you have anything else you would like to add?
A: Yes! Eight! Ice! Hot! Mom! Juice! Bye!

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