Saturday, September 19, 2009

Trying to fill in the blanks

Getting information out of an almost 4-year old is like pulling teeth. I never quite get the full story.

We've been drilling him with questions about his first week at school. So far he's told me about snack time (he talks about that a lot!) and that they have a French teacher. He played baseball one day. The bus drivers are nice. And he told me that they have a library inside the school (which, of course, I already knew).

The details we get are sporadic and sometimes don't make a whole lot of sense. A good example of this is when he told Hubby that he sometimes has to help the kids that are "sad and mopey." Presumably these are kids that are having a difficult time adjusting to Junior Kindergarten. When Hubby asked him what he did to help he said, "I did them around." When he asked him to elaborate he said, "I gave them band-aids and poured gasoline on them." I'm sure that cheered them up!

And then there is all the stuff that has gone missing from his backpack. Two days in a row he came home without a jacket. On the second day I got pretty concerned because 1) it was bloody cold outside and he came home wearing a t-shirt and 2) we don't have a lot of spare jackets on hand. The little guy, of course, had no idea where his jackets has disappeared to. I sent a note to the teacher, and one of the jackets made its way home the next day. The other one (his MEC fleecy jacket) is still missing in action. Which sucks, because it is his favourite jacket.

I always pack a change of clothes in his bag in case he has an accident. His spare clothes have also gone missing. I'm beginning to think that by the end of the first month I'll have to buy him a whole new wardrobe! The teacher suggested I call the bus company to see if he's been leaving things on the bus. But why would he take his clothes out of his bag? It doesn't make sense. My guess is they've probably been sucked into a black hole never to be seen again.

Between the missing pieces of information and the missing clothing, I'm definitely not getting the full story about his school day.

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