Wednesday, April 15, 2009

He's one of a kind, but is his name?

We agonized over selecting the perfect name for the little guy. Our criteria:

- Couldn't be in the top 100 boy names (the name we selected wasn't even in the top 500 names!)
- The name needed to be recognizable, but not common
- It couldn't start with the letter B (didn't want his initials to be BO)
- It had to be a strong name that had success written all over it

Now, thanks to certain popular set of vampire books for young adults, our name is being broadcast around the globe. What if it becomes the new, trendy boy name? That would totally suck! My only hope is that women of child bearing age stop reading these books right now (yah, like that's going to happen).

Out of curiosity, I read through the name popularity statistics for the last few years and guess what? The name is starting to climb up the charts. It still not even close to the top 100 but's our name. And did you know that we've encountered two other kids in our neighbourhood with the same name? How is that even statistically possible?

Hands off people!

1 comment:

raino said...

sorry maybe i missed the name - but did you tell us what it is?