Sunday, January 20, 2008

Early spring cleaning

I can't believe how many toys we've accumulated in the last few months between the little guy's birthday and Christmas. It's actually obscene. At the best of times it was hard to keep our tiny place clutter free. Now I've pretty much given up trying. Of course the toys aren't the only problem. We have loads and loads of stuff in the house that we really don't need.

So here's my strategy:

- Loan out, sell, or donate all of the baby stuff (except a few keepsakes)
- Rotate the toys we have so they aren't all out at the same time
- Go through my closet and hubby's closet and get rid of clothes that haven't been worn in over a year
- Take all of my books (except the most precious ones) and donate them to the public library;
- Get rid of stuff that we never use, room by room
- Shred my boxes and boxes full of old documents
- Once all of the above have been done, I'd like to get a storage locker for all of the stuff we just don't have space for i.e. camping gear, ski equipment, luggage, etc... It can live there until we buy a new house with a basement and garage.

It's a daunting task, but if we do this little by little I think our quality of life can only get better.

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