Tuesday, April 24, 2007

BBQ season is finally here

Thank God! I was beginning to think that winter was going to last forever. Instead, we skipped spring and went straight to summer.

On the weekend we went hiking with Scooby and his folks. We tried our best to keep him from drinking dirty pond water.

The little guy has learned some new tricks. He now spins around and makes himself dizzy for kicks. Thankfully he hasn't tried that on a full stomach yet....

He does high fives.

He sings the "backpack" song from Dora the Explorer (often replacing the refrain "backpack, backpack" with "tee tee, tee tee," "dadda, dadda," or "pooh pooh, pooh pooh."

He climbs up on anything and everything (but yells to be rescued because he doesn't know how to climb down again.)

He pulls the cord in the garage and makes the door go up.

He's also picked up some new bad habits. Screaming, throwing stuff (including tantrums), harassing the plants, not listening etc... Some days I want to pull my hair out. Is this a preview of the terrible twos? If it is, we're in for a rough ride!

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