Wednesday, August 02, 2006

No junk mail please!

This blog is only a couple of weeks old and already it’s been targeted by an advertiser (or maybe a scammer – it’s hard to say). In the comment section of one of my articles, I found a comment (anonymous of course) about how I could make $900 a week in easy money. I promptly deleted it. Then, later today, the same comment popped up again in the exact same spot! I have now changed the settings in the comment section to make it harder for spam to get through.

I’ve also started filtering my email. Now, spam lands directly in my deleted folder. Everyday this folder fills up with unsolicited advertisements for erectile dysfunction medications, fad diets, porn... Obviously the people behind these operations haven’t done any market research. From what I can tell, they blanket email every address they can swipe from the worldwide web. Enough already!!!

At least I’ve managed to put a stop to most of the junk mail landing at my doorstep. We now have a sticker that says “No junk mail please.” Even still, from time to time, flyers still manage to make their way into our mailbox. The senders really aren’t doing themselves a favour by disregarding this sign. I can pretty much guarantee that I will NOT support any business that advertises their products or services to me after I’ve plainly asked to be left alone. In fact, I will go out of my way to complain loudly about them to anyone who will listen. The same applies to companies that call me time and time again, even after I’ve repeatedly asked to be removed from their phone list.

I’d love to hear how other people deal with unsolicited advertising. You are invited with open arms to share your comments on this blog (unless of course you are trying to sell me something!!!)

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