Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Moms aren’t allowed to be sick

It’s been awhile since my last entry. I’ve been sick. Really, really sick with a sinus infection. After finally kicking a four-day fever, (not exaggerating!) and the worst sinus headache of my life, I developed a hacking cough that keeps me (and everyone else) up at night. I’m on antibiotics and my health is gradually improving but I’m still not myself.

One thing I’ve learned over this last week is that motherhood and illness don’t mix. No matter how much I long to retreat to my bed, there is still a mouth to feed, a bum to change, and a pile of dirty laundry to attend to. And now that the little guy is crawling and getting into everything, I need to be on my toes -- not laid out flat on my back.

It’s not the type of job where I can call in sick. I’m on call to read books, sing songs, hose things down after meals, provide cuddles, buy groceries, make baby food etc...

So, I'm doing my best to keep my head up high and think healthy thoughts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that you were feeling so poorly; hope you can call on someone to help you out when you are feeling so terribly ill.

I used to get bad flu when my child was an infant, and had no help - and suffered for years afterward. Of course, you are much younger than I was, and so you have more "jing", as they say, to lose. Maybe you will have no years-long aftereffects, but in any event, if you can afford it, and if you know some smart person to do the domestic & child-care stuff, why not.

Bettie M. (your sort-of Aunt, who makes no charge for her Advice.