Sunday, May 04, 2008

Baby boy update

I really haven't been keeping up with my blog lately. Chalk it up to the nice spring weather and an addiction to online Scramble.

So here's a bit of an update.

Baby boy is starting to show signs of potty training readiness. Immediately after he pees or poohs he tells us, and insists that we change his diaper right away. Sometimes he throws himself on the floor and yells "Mom change my diaper!"

Another sign of readiness has been his interest in wearing underwear. "I wear underwear," he brags to people, even though this isn't true. But since he's expressed such an interest I decided to buy him a three pack of Curious George big boy underwear the other day. He immediately wanted to try them on. The first pair lasted about two minutes before he spilled water all over himself. The second pair lasted 10 minutes at most. I guess my instructions about not peeing in them fell on deaf ears. Oh well, it was worth a try I guess!


When baby boy was sick, he had a low grade fever that would come and go. My caregiver was telling me about one of these fevers when I arrived to pick him up. On the way home, in his "looking for sympathy" voice he said, "I have a beaver mom."


Every night when I'm brushing his teeth I sing the little chicken song. For those who aren't familiar with it, it goes something like this:

Well I had a little chicken and she wouldn't lay an egg
so I ran hot water up and down her leg,
so I ran hot water up and down her leg
and the crazy little chicken laid a hard boiled egg
hard boiled egg, hard boiled egg, the crazy little chicken laid a hard boiled egg

Well I had a little chicken and she wouldn't lay an egg
so I ran egg beaters up and down her leg,
so I ran egg beaters up and down her leg,
and the crazy little chicken laid a scrambled egg

and so on... (other verses include running garbage, King Midas, cocoa etc. up and down her leg.)

Baby boy loves this song and likes to request all sorts of items to be run up and down the chicken's leg. My favourites include:

- Sushi
- a horse
- firetruck
- a teetee
- pooh pooh


Daddy took the day off on Friday and he and the little guy went on some big adventures. At one point they came across a cave. Daddy said, "I wonder if any critters live in the cave."

Baby boy was very interested in the prospect of seeing a critter. "What does a critter say Dad?" he asked.


We've been meaning to buy the little guy some bubbles for the past couple of weeks. But whenever we've at a store we either forget, or they don't have any in stock. Yesterday, we went to the market to pick up some hanging flower baskets for the deck and a few groceries. As we were leaving the house baby boy said "No groceries!"

When we arrived at the market he told daddy quite emphatically what the purpose of the shopping trip was: "We're buying flowers and bubbles."

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